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📝 Full access to DVC’s Deal Reviews - with deep dives on the product, risks, valuation analysis, and more
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📝 Full access to DVC’s Deal Reviews - with deep dives on the product, risks, valuation analysis, and more
🖥️ Members-only platform for all past Deal Reviews, interviews, and content
📣 Attend live discussions & founder pitches
📖 Special edition educational sessions & seminars
What People Are Saying
“DVC has been the best introduction to RegCF that I could ask for. With a low barrier to entry and passionate and educated leaders and members, I learn so much about the industry with every deal.”
James Turnbull
“DVC has educated and enlightened me into the world of startups and venture capital. I'm always excited to learn about new companies, markets, and technology emerging every day from folks of all disciplines, experiences, and backgrounds.”
Harrison Wesner
“DVC has helped me to slow down and think harder about potential investments, stopping me from continuing my early mistakes of deploying too much money in too few deals with too little due diligence/critical thinking. It also helps compensate for lack of free time for in-depth due diligence and for lack of knowledge in various industries due to other members' experiences.”
Chris Zusin
“DVC offers community for those who want to invest but don't know any existing investors. There's a community waiting for everyone!”
Casey Melcher, MD
“DVC makes it really accessible for anyone to invest in startups, and it's really fun to just commit a small amount on deals.”
Jackie Tan
“DVC has been a great place to review, discuss, and participate in Reg CF investments. I am excited for DVCs efforts to expand access beyond Reg CF and bring startup investing to the masses.”
Mitchell Kunkler