You’re in! Welcome to Doriot Venture Club 👋

The #1 community for building your startup knowledge and investment portfolio using the wisdom of the crowd ✨

Let’s remember why we’re here. Our mission is to:

  • Help you learn sophisticated venture investing at your own pace 📚

  • Collectively find the best startup deals 📈

  • Build an army of educated investors to shake up venture capital 🚀

Expect us in your inbox 1-2 times per week:

  • Tuesdays: New Deal Announcements

  • Fridays: Weekly Roundup newsletter & deal summary

Want more details? Here’s how it works:

✅ Members vote for their favorite startups raising funds in the market

📝 We share in-depth deal reviews covering the product, team, risks, opportunities, and more

📣 The club discusses deals in live calls, DVC’s Discord community, and interviews with the startup founders

DVC is defining a new standard of financial sophistication and helping investors rise to an elite level.

We’re glad to have you aboard!

-Team DVC

P.S. If you’re reading this and haven’t subscribed yet, sign up here.